Myself and my wife live in NJ, with our dog and cat. We’re within (something resembling) commuting distance to NYC.
As you probably guessed, this site will contain posts by me, some contact info, and not much more. Some of the posts might even be interesting! The home page shows the most recent posts, and the topics page lists all topics in use for the posts. Note that each post can cover multiple topics (and yes, these are the same thing other sites call tags
The contact page is likely not worth much to you, since my e-mail is already in the footer here.
A Mini Résumé
I'm from Ireland. I studied maths in Trinity, then did my PhD in statistics in Wharton in UPenn, with a focus on causal inference. After that, I worked at Via for two years, doing data science and building optimization tools for our operations teams.
Based on data pain-points at Via, and conversations with others, I co-founded Slight with my good friend Raiden. We gave it a solid effort, but unfortunately did not have quite enough traction to raise our seed round.
For more on my prior work, see posts in the projects topic.